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  BioDAQ E2- Software        

Automatically Collects Data

BioDAQ continuously monitors feeding activity at the interface
of the food hopper. The system can operate without the need to
re-fill food hoppers for up to 5 days for the typical singly housed lab
rat or mouse.This allows food intake data to be collected automatically without disturbing the animals normal eating behavior.

The system records the time of onset of each feeding bout, the amount of food consumed, the duration of the bout, and the ending time. Variable settings allow the investigator to fine tune data collection at the level of the experiment.

Real Time Graphics and Analysis

The Data Viewer provides a graphic and tabular representation of real time feeding activity. The flexible user-friendly program format allows investigators to evaluate cumulative intake, meal patterns, meal size, duration, frequency, and post meal intervals with the click of a mouse, in relation to the time of day and light cycles. Animals can be grouped by treatment producing summary tables with basic statistical analysis. Tables can be exported to Excel
for user defined analyses.

        Application Tip:
Export all tables in the Data Viewer to Excel with the click of a button
View 1 Week Cumulative Intake View 24 Hour Period Intake Data View 1 Day Intake Data
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