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BioDAQ Unplugged

Some customers only interested in measuring ad libitum food
and water intake in fixed intervals (hourly, daily, weekly) initially purchase BioDAQ Unplugged units. Our Unplugged product addresses what we saw as the major shortcomings of traditional methods of collecting periodic food intake. The hardware design limits the hoarding and spilling behavior that often confounds efforts to determine food intake in rodents. Gated food hoppers mount outside the home cage for easy access. Simply lift the hopper off the cage mount to weigh the contents on a scale.

Reduce Stress Reaction

By mounting our hardware to the outside of each cage, we have also reduced the amount of interaction between researchers and animals. Using traditional methods, researchers always run the
risk of eliciting a stress reaction from an animal when removing them from the cage to collect spilled food, and often the spilled food crumbs inside the cage are contaminated with urine,
bedding, and feces.


Upgrade to Electronics

Our Unplugged product uses the same cages and hardware as our electronic system, so it can be easily upgraded to an electronic monitoring system with the purchase of the necessary components. Cages are available for both rats and mice.

Use food and water intake modules in a variety of combinations Unplugged modules adapt quickly to metabolic cages Optimized System combines BioDAQ E2 and Unplugged units
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