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  Food and Water Intake Monitor for the Home Cage        

Periodic Intake Monitor
pe·ri·od·ic - recurring at equal intervals of time set by the investigator.

BioDAQ Unplugged is best used for periodic measurements
of ad libitum food and water intake of singly housed lab rats and mice in their home cage. These measurements are taken over a period of time set by the investigator. Typically this type of data is reported as total intake over hourly, daily or weekly periods. This method is sufficient for researchers without the need to record the structure of individual meals or the initiation of feeding behavior. more>

Episodic Intake Monitor
ep·i·sod·ic - occurring at irregular intervals, initiated by the animal's native behavior.

BioDAQ E2 Episodic monitoring system measures ad libitum food and water intake behavior of singly housed lab rats and mice at very high resolution. Computer controlled electronics record the smallest discreet unit of episodic food or water intake by measuring the moment-to-moment, undisturbed intake behavior. The animals being studied set the variable period for this measurement through their natural behavior. more>
Measure Food and Water Intake Simultaneously Watch video of a rat eating in a BioDAQ NEW! Flexible Format allows for varied experimental designs
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