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Our scientific staff is unparalleled in its knowledge, scope and ability to respond quickly to your inquiries. During business hours you will often receive a response the same day. Armed with over 14,000 original formulas and a database of more than 2,500 journal articles we continue to build our knowledge base. Experience the difference. Contact us today for help with formulating diets for your next project.


Our Strength- Scientific Support

Edward A. Ulman, Ph.D.
Research Diets, Inc. is owned and managed by Edward A. Ulman, Ph.D., who has worked exclusively in lab animal nutrition for over 25 years. Dr. Ulman is the founder and chief executive officer of Research Diets, Inc. In addition, he provides nutrition consultation. Ed and his experienced staff regularly consult with researchers around the world. They welcome the opportunity to collaborate with you to develop the optimum diet formulas for your research.

Matthew Ricci, Ph.D.
V.P./Science Director
Dr. Ricci received his Ph.D. in Nutritional Sciences from Rutgers University in 2000, where he studied leptin secretion from human adipose tissue in vitro with Susan K. Fried, Ph.D. He then joined the lab of Barry E. Levin, MD as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the VA Medical Center in East Orange, NJ. During his postdoctoral training, he studied the development of diet-induced obesity in selectively-bred strains of Sprague-Dawley rats that either become obese or remain lean when exposed to a high-fat diet.
Email: Ricci@ResearchDiets.com

Dima Gamaleldin, MB BCh.
International Marketing Specialist
Ms. Gamaleldin earned her degree in Medicine and Surgery from the Faculty of Medicine at Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt and worked previously in the healthcare profession in New Brunswick, NJ. Dima utilizes her academic and clinical background in medicine to provide still another perspective to our comprehensive expertise on lab animal research.
Email: Dima@ResearchDiets.com

Angela M. Gajda, M.S.
Senior Scientist
Ms. Gajda earned her B.S. in Animal Sciences from the University of Illinois prior to working as a technician in a comparative nutrition laboratory.  She earned her M.S. in Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois with George C. Fahey Jr., Ph.D.  Angela's thesis work focused on the effects of selected corn hybrids on nutrient digestibility and fermentability in the canine.  Angela consults with researchers worldwide and prepares custom diet formulations.
Email: Gajda@ResearchDiets.com

Michael A. Pellizzon, Ph.D.
Senior Scientist
Dr. Pellizzon earned his doctorate in nutrition and food science from Wayne State University in Detroit , MI . Mike then completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center in Philadelphia , PA. During his fellowship, Mike investigated the role of nutrient manipulation on molecular mechanisms related to atherosclerosis risk in mice. In addition, Mike has had extensive experience performing obesity research both at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and at Wayne State University in Detroit , Michigan . Therefore, his training has provided him with strong credentials to advise researchers on their custom formulation needs. Pellizzon@ResearchDiets.com

Matthew Barker , M.S.
Project Manager and Scientist
Mr. Barker earned his B.S. in Animal Sciences from the Kansas State University . Before working as a laboratory technician in a toxicology laboratory, he earned his M.S. in Animal Sciences at the Kansas State University focusing in the area of non ruminant animal nutrition. Matt has investigated the effects of antibiotic alternatives on growth performance and bacterial shedding rates of Salmonella enterica in swine. Matt is an integral part of our growing purified ingredient diet business, where he consults with researchers and prepares custom diet formulations. Barker@ResearchDiets.com

Lorene M. Leiter, Ph.D.
Project Manager and Scientist
Lorene earned her B.A. in anthropology at the University of Massachusetts, and her M.S. and Ph.D. in nutrition from Rutgers University in New Jersey where she researched the effect of manganese deficiency on urea cycle capacity in rats (M.S.) and the role of dietary iron in a mouse model of systemic lupus erythmatosus (Ph.D.). She then completed two post-doctoral fellowships at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston where she studied cell cycle regulation and diseases of iron metabolism in various cell models. Just before joining Research Diets, Lorene was a mouse behavior specialist at the Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT in Cambridge. Lorene’s diverse background provides her with a unique perspective when consulting with our customers. Leiter@ResearchDiets.com

Jun Jun Zhang, Ph.D.
Project Manager and Scientist
Jun Jun earned his Ph.D. in Nutrition at Department of Nutrition and Food Science at University of Maryland, College Park, where he studied the anticancer activity of trifolirhizin and maackiain in vitro with Dr. David K. Y. Lei. Then he stayed as a Postdoctoral Fellow working mainly on elucidating the interaction between zinc and resveratrol in normal human prostate epithelial cells and in mice. During the fellowship, he also participated in the development of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Defense Points (HACCDP) food safety program and became a certified HACCP auditor. junjun.zhang@ResearchDiets.com


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