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Global Continuity of Animal Models


Establish continuity of your animal models across all facilities worldwide and across therapeutic areas by using the same OpenSource Diets. The known nutritional content and lack of batch-to-batch variability in purified OpenSource Diets means researchers around the world can reliably report, repeat and revise their studies. The very nature of open source diets argues for their use in all lab animal research.

Report, Repeat and Revise ... Worldwide
When choosing a diet, one should ask three questions:

1. Can I report it (can I tell
others exactly what my
animals were fed)?
> 2. Can I repeat it (is there
diet variability and will I be
able to get the same exact
formula next year)?
> 3. Can I revise it (can I
easily change the dietary components while
keeping it matched to previous diets)?


Yes, you can with OpenSource Diets ... Worldwide.

Where Nutriphenomics® Begins